Although I can't be home For Thanksgiving this year, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge 10 things I'm thankful for this year (and really every year):
1. An ever-loving God. Throughout the course of this year you've help me through times I thought I wouldn't be strong enough to make it through and opened my eyes to trust in you through all that I do. Without you Lord as my salvation I would be lost in this world, truly I have no idea where I would be right now if it weren't for you guidance and guiding hand.
2. My crazy, hormonal, BAMF family. We may bicker and be childish from time to time but it's you crazy ladies who molded me into the person I am today. I feel blessed to have four of the most beautiful women, inside and out, doing nothing but providing with HUGE, selfless support ever since I started this journey 10 years ago. You four are my inspiration, my motivation and the smile on my face.
3. My mom's health. For those of you who don't know, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer about a year and a half ago. Ironically at the time of her initial diagnosis it was around Christmas time, during which she withheld her condition from us so we could enjoy the holidays. I've never been so crushed in my life once I found out. To think the strongest women in my life could be crippled by something so small. But as sure as the Phoenix rose from it's ashes my mom fought her cancer with raging perseverance and a constant smile on her face. Thank you for fighting for us mama, I love you.
4. My health. I know this is something I should be thankful everyday and I am. Every day I thank God for the air in my lungs, a roof over my head and my loving family. My health has been on a wild ride these past 5 years and I think it's starting to level off. <knocks on wood>
6. My army of independent women. With the exception of a few family members, all of my aunts, grandmas (due to the passing of their hubbies) cousins, sisters and mom are the cornerstone of strong independent women in my life. And I mean STRONG. Literally taking names and kicking ass all across the states; making me know that anything is possible and you don't NEED a man for anything. Y'all are the driving force behind my pursuit of discovering God's purpose for me.

5. Someone who loves me. Although it hasn't been said and things may not be ideal right now, I know one day if its in God's plan it will be. You make me be a better me for you and myself. Thank you for sticking by me, I know I can be cold and confusing at times but that's just a front. You know I'm a fluffy bunny at heart.
6. BAD ASS Friends. Since moving across the pond it's become pretty apparent who some of my closest friends are and those who were only friends with me for alternative motives or proximity. Those who I've gotten the opportunity to become close with due to my absence in the states - ironic - have helped me grow more than they know during my time in Finland. I truly have the most diverse group of individuals in my life, all marching to the beat of their own drum and motivated and inspired as ever. I've also forged some awesome new friendships with people I'd known growing up but never took the time to get to know, their support has been both surprising and humbling.
7. Being debt free. Yes, this is real. Graduating without debt allows me to seriously live worry free. I feel free to travel where I want and take time to discover what I want to do with my life. I know many people who work solely to pay off their debt and I applaud your daily grind.
8. Technology. Throughout my lifetime I've witnessed some of the most innovative advances in technology that have changed the way how we both live and communicate. Due to my generations' obsession with the latest iPhones and newest apps, it's only right I take time to be thankful for the brilliant minds behind them. Without these ambitious individuals, spare time would be spent on reading for pleasure and having to have actual conversation and who wants that? But seriously, although Tweeting, Facebooking, and showing off our cooking skills on Instagram has had negative impacts on social involvement, I'm ever so thankful for their creation. These open forums not only allow us to express ourselves, or who we want people to perceive us as, they serve as a timekeeper of moments, thoughts and historical events. As an American living in Europe, technology makes me feel connected to my home world thousands of miles away. It has given me the opportunity to strengthen relationships and create new ones. So I will gladly walk around with my iPhone to my face while getting lost by the tunes blaring from my little white buds connected to my iPod anxiously waiting for the next opportunity to cozy up with a good read on my mini iPad as new movies download on my MacBook. Hail to the iGeneration.
9. The beauty of life. Whether that is people, animals or things, I'm mystified and hypnotized by all living things around me. If you're questioning your faith, simply stop and look around you.
10. The unknown. Every day I wake up with ideas to travel the world, try new foods and discover my passion and every day I end every day not securely knowing where I will be this time next year. Sure I have places I would love to see and avenues I aspire to pursue one day but it's not for me to worry or be concerned with. Everything will fall into place in time, for now I must enjoy every moment.
Enjoy your family, be thankful for life, and expand those waste lines people!!